Special Performance Evaluation of Photo Voltaic Power Plant in Gili Trawangan Solar Power Plant to Achieve Photovoltaic Reliability Excellence


  • Kharisma Utomo Mulyodinoto Universitas Indonesia
  • Sandya Herawan PT. PLN (Persero)
  • Indratno Pardiansyah PT. PLN (Persero)
  • Very Fernando


Performance Evaluation, Special Maintenance, Photo Voltaic (PV), Panel Scanning and Mapping, Lesson Learned


PLN committed to achieve New and Renewable Energy (NRE) mixture up to 23% in 2025 that consists of 8.0% water, 7.3% geothermal, 1.8% wind & solar, and 5.8% biomass/waste/co-firing  as  listed  in  the  2021-2030

Electricity Procurement Plan (RUPTL) of PLN, as the greenest or environmentally friendly RUPTL with the portion of NRE power plants set to 51.6%. To achieve such ambitious target, PLN has developed several Communal Photovoltaic Power Plants either Off-Grid System, On-Grid System and also Hybrid System, scattered across Indonesia especially in the small and remote island in the eastern region of Indonesia. This paper aims to give insight of performance evaluation through special maintenance program like PV Panel Scanning and Mapping to main component of Photovoltaic (PV) Power Plant, especially in the West Nusa Tenggara Region. The scope of performance evaluation focused on main component of PV Power Plant like PV (Photo Voltaic) panel, and inverter only. Content of the paper includes lesson-learned and success story of PV Power Plant operation and maintenance.






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